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フィリピンの路上で⽣きる⼦どもたちとの絵画展 Art Exhibition with Children on/of the street of the Philipines

10月 10日 - 10月 13日

おしゃべり会 10⽉11⽇(⾦) 18:00∼19:00

過酷な現状を知るとともに、そのような環境でも願い や希望を持ち続ける⼦どもたちの強さ、たくましさをぜ ひ感じていただけると幸いです。

・展⺬内容 児童養護施設「⼦どもの家」に暮らす男の⼦16名の作品、⼦どもたちの背景、等 (展⺬観覧は無料です)

・展⺬時間   10⽉10⽇(⽊)11:00∼21:00   10⽉11⽇(⾦)8:00∼18:00
      10⽉12⽇(⼟)11:00∼18:00   10⽉13⽇(⽇)11:00∼18:00

・おしゃべり会  10⽉11⽇(⾦) 18:00∼19:00 *申込み〆切:10⽉9⽇(⽔)
        参加費(軽⾷付):1,000円(⾼校⽣以下500円) (要予約/定員有)

  フィリピンの路上の⼦どもの現状などについて、アイキャンでフィリピンに 10年駐在した

お問合せ  認定NPO法⼈アイキャン myican@ican.or.jp (藤⽬)

Art Exhibition with Children on/of the street of the Philipines

Thu, 10th Oct – Sun, 13th Oct, 2024 (Admission to the exhibition is free)

Talk Session : 18pm-19pm, Fri, 11th Oct 2024 (Fee: 1,000 yen; 500 yen for below high school students light meal included)

 “Children on/of the street” do not have a “family” unit, nor do they have enough to eat, a proper education, time to be a child, or a place to sleep safely. They survive by selling things, begging, or sometimes by committing crimes.
 Their number is said to be between 100 million and 150 million worldwide, but the exact number is unknown, and the actual situation is not understood.
 International Children’s Action Network, ICAN, has for many years been providing protection for such children on/of the street and training to help them become independent in the Philippines.
 This Art Exhibition will feature works by children living at ICAN Children’s Home, an orphanage run by ICAN, who have used paint for the first time in their lives to express themselves.

・Contents : Works by 16 boys living in ICAN Children’s Home;
Backgrounds of the children, etc. (Admission to the exhibition is free)

・Date & Time :11:00-21:00, Thu, 10th Oct    8:00-18:00, Fri, 11th Oct
11:00-18:00, Sat, 12th Oct   11:00-18:00, Sun, 13th Oct

・Talk Session :
– 18:00-19:00, Fri, 11th Oct
*Booking due: Wed., 9th Oct
– Fee (light meal included): 1,000 yen
(500 yen for below high school students)

Talk Session will be a valuable opportunity for participants to talk with Mr. Fukuta (ICAN Secretary General) about the current situations of children on/of the streets of the Philippines! He was stationed in the Philippines for 10 years with ICAN and has lots of experiences with such children.

For inquiries, please contact ICAN (myican@ican.or.jp / Attn: Fujime)


10月 10日
10月 13日
  • イベント
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  • 超セレクトショップ
  • 飲食

パルルの通常営業日は木金土日11:00 – 18:00です。その他イベントや飲食出店により変則的な営業もありますのでカレンダーご確認ください。