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電話太鼓 山㟁直人 Telephone Taiko
9月 9日 @ 19:00 - 21:00
開場:18時 開演:19時
予約:myamamoto1218@yahoo.co.jp (山本)
山㟁直人 やまぎしなおと
2023年4月、ドイツのミュンヘン市が運営するArtist in Residence Munich Villa Waldbertaにミュンヘン市文化庁から奨学生として招聘され、4月から6月の3か月に渡り滞在制作とライブ活動を行った。
【Telephone Taiko】
Date and time: Monday, September 9, 2024
Doors open: 6:00 p.m.
Start: 7:00 p.m.
Fee: 1,500 yen
Performer: Naoto Yamagishi
Reservation: myamamoto1218@yahoo.co.jp (Yamamoto)
Planned :Parlwr /…With (Masafumi Yamamoto )
・Performance with [Telephone Taiko]
・Talk about past activities and the lead-up to Telephone Taiko
・Performance with [Telephone Taiko] participants
※Please bring something that you think would be interesting if connected to a spring and perform with the Telephone Taiko
(It’s okay if you don’t bring it)
【Naoto Yamagishi】
Drummer and percussionist.
Exploring music before music, he puts the “rhythm, resonance, and space” that arise from the sounds and flows of everyday life into a big swell and travels through all spaces with sound.
In 2011, he moved to Rennes, France. After working in Europe, he returned to Japan in 2014. While continuing to collaborate and project with various artists
(musicians, dancers, poets, painters, photographers, filmmakers, calligraphers, flower artists, ceramicists, etc.) from Japan and abroad, regardless of genre,
he also works on music for dance and video works. He has toured the world, mainly in Europe and Asia, and performed at various festivals around the world, receiving positive reviews.
In April 2023, he was invited as a scholarship student by the Munich Agency for Cultural Affairs to Artist in Residence Munich Villa Waldberta, run by the city of Munich, Germany,
and stayed and created works and performed live for three months from April to June.
In January 2024, he created and performed “Inaudible Waves,” a work that places dance and music on an equal footing, at Kobe KIITO with eight dancers and six musicians as
part of the project ARU. with dancer Mamiko Hosokawa. He once again questioned the relationship between dance and music to the world.
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パルルの通常営業日は木金土日11:00 – 18:00です。その他イベントや飲食出店により変則的な営業もありますのでカレンダーご確認ください。